Blerta Zhegu

Music teacher


Born in Tirana (Albania), Blerta Zhegu began her vocal studies in her homeland with Nina Mula and Nathaniel Brodsky, before going on to perfect her skills at the “Claudio Monteverdi” Conservatory in Bolzano (Italy) with Giulio Di Raco and at the “Darius Milhaud” Conservatory in Aix-en-Provence with Laure Florentin and Monique Zanetti.

In addition to her university training, she has taken various courses with artists such as Renato Bruson, Leo Nucci, Bruna Baglioni, Luciana Serra, Sophie Koch, Inva Mula, Jean Philippe Lafont, José Van Dam, Yvonne Minton, Didier Laclau Barrere, Donata D'Annunzio Lombardi, Ermonela Jaho, Enzo Tei.

Since 2010, she has performed on a number of international stages, including: Operas of Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Novara, Bolzano, at the Philharmonic Theaters of Vicenza, Rovigo, Verona (Italy), at the Operas of Tirana (Albania), Tunis ( Tunisia), Tashkent (Uzbekistan), at the Opéra Grand d'Avignon, Opéra de Vichy, Théâtre Capitole de Toulouse, Opéra de Marseille, Fondation Vasarely, Auditorium Campra and Grand Théâtre de Provence (Aix en Provence), Salle Musikatreize (Marseille), BOZAR (Belgium), Casa della Musica Quito (Ecuador), Amphitheaters of El Jem, Oudhna, Kelibia (Tunisia), Auditorium du Petit Palais, Auditorium de la Cité de La Musique (Paris), Chorégies d'Orange (Orange), Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center (New York).

Blerta Zhegu is the winner of various prizes, including 1st Prize at the “ArsKosova” competition in Kosovo, the Jury's Special Prize at the “VI Rassegna Concertistica” in Montichiari, Italy, and 3rd Prize at the “Trofeo la Fenice” competition in Seravezza, Italy.


  • First Steps

    For ages 3-4

    Workshop for children aged 3 to 4 to develop a sense of rhythm, tonality and improvisation

    Three children develop their innate musical rhythm